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Palatka, FL 32177


TRIM Notices


Parcel Value Breakdown table

This box displays all taxable values for the different tax districts. It shows how we arrived at your Taxable Value. It also compares last years values to this year’s values.

The most probable sale price for a property in a competitive, open market involving a willing buyer and a willing seller, without any undue stress, as of January 1 of the current year listed.

Properties can receive an assessment reduction for a number of reasons. Some of the common reasons are:

  • Save our Homes Limitation
  • Non-homestead Limitation
  • Greenbelt Classification

Some reductions lower the assessed value only for levies of certain taxing authorities.

The market value of your property minus any assessment reductions. The assessed values may vary for levies made by different taxing authorities.

Any exemption that applies to your property is listed in this section along with its corresponding exemption value. Specific dollar or percentage reductions in assessed value may be applicable to a property based upon certain qualification of the property or property owner. In some cases, an exemption’s value may vary depending on the taxing authority.

The value of your property after all assessment reductions and exemptions have been applied. This is the value that is used to determine the taxes.

Assessment Reduction Breakdown table

Properties can receive an assessment reduction for a number of reasons. Some of the common reasons are:

  • Save our Homes Limitation
  • Non-homestead Limitation
  • Greenbelt Classification

Some reductions lower the assessed value only for levies of certain taxing authorities.

Parcel Exemption Breakdown table

Any exemption that applies to your property is listed in this section along with its corresponding exemption value. Specific dollar or percentage reductions in assessed value may be applicable to a property based upon certain qualifications of the property or property owner. In some cases, an exemption’s value may vary depending on the taxing authority.

For details on Exemptions, contact the Putnam County Property Appraiser at 386-329-0286

Proposed Property Taxes table

This box displays:

This column shows last year’s taxable value used in the calculation of taxes for that specific taxing authority.

These columns show the tax rate and taxes that applied last year to your property. These amounts were based on budgets adopted last year and your property’s previous taxable value.

This column shows the current assessed value less all applicable exemptions used in the calculation of taxes for that specific taxing authority. Different taxable values in this column may indicate the impact of various exemptions. Current year taxable values are as of January 1 of the year listed.

These Columns show what your tax rate and taxes will be this year under the BUDGET ACTUALLY PROPOSED by each taxing authority. The proposal is NOT final and may be amended at the public hearings shown in the Hearing Information section. The difference between columns 6 and 8 is the tax change proposed by each local taxing authority and is NOT the result of higher assessments.

These columns show what your tax rate and taxes will be if each taxing authority DOES NOT CHANGE its property tax levy. These amounts are based on last year’s budgets and your current assessment.

Proposed or Adopted Non-Ad Valorem Assessments table
This box displays any Non-Ad Valorem Assessments Associated with the parcel. These assessments are set on a per unit basis. This box is used to display:

  • Solid Waste Assessments
  • MSBU Assessments
  • Hastings Drainage District Assessments

Non-Ad Valorem assessments are placed on this notice at the request of the respective local governing boards. Your tax collector will include the non-ad valorem assessments on the November tax notice.

For details on Solid Waste Assessments and MSBU Assessments, contact the Putnam County Board of County Commissioners at 386-329-0205.

For details on the Hastings Drainage District, contact the Hastings Drainage District Board of Commissioners at 904-692-2246.

Proposed Tax Recap table
This box displays the total of the Ad Valorem taxes and Non-Ad Valorem assessments.

  • Column 3 is the total from last year
  • Column 6 is the total for this year if the proposed millage is adopted
  • Column 8 is the total for this year if the rolled-back millage is adopted

Taxing Authority Hearing information

This box displays the date, time and location of the public hearings where the various Taxing Authorities will vote to approve their Proposed Budget Changes.

For Details on a particular public hearing or millage information, contact:

  • Putnam County Board of County Commissioners and Fire MSTU
    (386) 329-0205
  • Putnam County School District
    (386) 329-0653
  • City of Palatka
    (386) 329-0100
  • City of Crescent City
    (386) 698-2525
  • Town of Interlachen
    (386) 684-3811
  • Town of Pomona Park
  • Town of Welaka
    (386) 467-9800
  • St. Johns River Water Management District
    (386) 329-4500
  • Suwannee River Water Management District
    (386) 362-1001

What you need to know about TRIM Notices

(Truth in millage)
Each year, usually in August, property owners are mailed a notice by the Taxing Authorities called a Notice of Proposed Taxes or TRIM notice. This notice includes the dates, times, and places of budget meetings where tax rates are set by these agencies. Also in the notice will be information about how these tax rates could affect your individual tax bill.
These meetings are always public. Citizens are encouraged to participate in local governmental decision making.
Differing With The Property Appraiser’s Market Value Appraisal
If your opinion of the value of your property differs from the Property Appraiser’s appraisal, by all means come in and discuss the matter with us.
If you have evidence that the appraisal is more than the actual fair market value of your property, we will welcome the opportunity to review all the pertinent facts.
After talking with us, if you still find a significant difference between our appraisal and what you feel your property’s market value is, you may be heard before the Value Adjustment Board. A written application must be filed with the Clerk of the Value Adjustment Board. Petitions may be obtained from Property Appraiser or the Clerk.
Property Appraiser’s Response to COVID-19
Our office is aware of the impacts that the COVID-19 crisis has had on our community and respect that many of our citizens have concerns about the value of their property as well as their property tax obligation during this challenging period.
Under Florida law, county property appraisers must value every property in the state as of an effective date of January 1, 2020. Any impacts from COVID-19 would not impact January 1, 2020 property values, as we must analyze sales data and trends from 2019.
Our appraisers consistently monitor market transactions and trends. Any increase or decrease in sales prices which occur in 2020 will impact property values as of our January 1, 2021 valuation.
Due to the COVID-19 disruption, we are accepting late-filed homestead exemption applications until September 15, 2020. Please go to www.putnam-fl.com/app to see how you can submit your application.
Petition to the Value Adjustment Board
The Value Adjustment Board has no jurisdiction or control over taxes or tax rates. Their one and only function is to hear evidence as to whether or not properties called to their attention are appraised at more or less than their market value. If such is the case, the Board has the authority to change the appraised value. They cannot change your appraised value for any other reason. The Board can also hear appeals on denial of exemptions and green belt classification.
But See Us First
The Property Appraiser and his staff are at the service of the public, and will be glad to assist in all matters pertaining to county appraisals and exemptions.
Your Property Appraiser’s Office is YOUR office. Feel free at all times to visit and examine our records.
We maintain a public records room which is equipped with most county ownership maps, aerial photographs, U.S. Geological survey quadrangle maps, and national flood insurance maps, as well as on-line computer access to property information.